A Story of Courage

Imagine this: you are 13 years old. It’s early in the morning but you wake up, remembering that you live in Hawaii. So you and your best friend go out to the ocean where the waves are crashing against rocks and beach. It’s a perfect day to go surfing.

You’re out in the middle of the ocean, waiting for that perfect wave. Both your arms and legs are hanging off the board. You had only been in the water for about half an hour when you saw a flash of gray swimming around you.

You didn’t feel any pain, only slight pressure and a little tugging before it was over seconds later. All the water around you turns red as you go numb, slowly swimming towards the shore with one arm.

Bethany Hamilton was 13 years old when she got her arm bit off by a tiger shark.

A shark ate her arm…

When I was 13, my biggest challenge was not realizing how horrible my fashion sense was. I mean, I wore neon tights with a tutu and a long sleeve shirt. And that was on a good day.

But when Bethany Hamilton was 13, she was just starting her career as an amateur – pro-surfer. She had just started working with Rip Curl and was number 1 in multiple surf competitions. And then her life changed when that shark bit off her left arm.

Can you imagine living without your left arm? After I watched her movie “Soul Surfer” and read the book, I tried to do everything that day without using my left arm. I gave up after an hour.

But she didn’t give up.

Two days after her surgery, she was already wondering how and when she was going to get back into the water.

And eventually, she did. She got back into the water and started surfing again. Because she was sure that surfing is what she was meant to do. Sure she had to make some changes to how she was able to surf with only one arm, but she did it.

And after she got the hang of the new surfing technique, she was back on top.

There are important lessons that can be learned here. Lessons that can affect everyone.

  1. Anyone can do anything. She teaches young girls that they can do anything they set their minds to. She teaches disabled kids that they can accomplish anything, despite their disabilities.
  2. If you love something, you’ll always find a way to have that in your life. If you love something, hold onto that for your life. Chase after your dreams and never give up on it.
  3. If you fall, get back up again. If you fail, work twice as hard to get that A. If you don’t think you can do it, you’re wrong. You can do it. You just have to set your mind to it.

“Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.”

Bethany Hamilton

Georgia McMorris

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